
Accommodation is available on site, mostly in double rooms with en-suite, bed-linen, towels and tea and coffee making facilities. Some rooms with additional bed are available for families. To take advantage of on-site accommodation, please register as soon as possible, but by 1 March 2024.

There are two ways for you to register:

  1. On-line
    If you can do so, we strongly encourage you to register on-line. This saves us a lot of work and is a lot faster and easier for you too. Simply fill in the form below to do so.
  2. By mail or fax
    We kindly ask you to register on-line if you can. However, if you are unable to do so, you can download a registration form (only available during the registration period). Please fill it in and mail or fax it to the address or fax number given on our contact page.

Please make sure that your booking for accommodation and meals is firm. Late cancellations and early departures or other changes to arrangements will cost us non-refundable deposits and fees. If you must cancel or change your booking, please let us know in good time so that we can liaise with the conference centre.

Registration Form

Registration for the Plumstead Conference 2024 is now closed.

If you would still like to attend the conference, please get in touch with us as soon as possible, and we will do our best to help, although we can't guarantee accommodation at this stage.